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java写的命令行文件管理器,有新建,删除,复制,加密解密功能,适合初学者参考。-command line file manager written in java, new, delete, copy, encryption and decryption functions, suitable for beginners reference.
Update : 2024-04-28 Size : 4096 Publisher : 金熊

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文件管理器,可以实现文件文件夹的删除,读取,复制,查看,非常适合java初学者参考-File manager, file folder delete, read, copy, view, and is ideal for beginners java reference
Update : 2024-04-28 Size : 22528 Publisher : 王新强

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利用java的流进行了创建一个文件夹与一个和文件, 并且判断出,在进行复制文件里的内容-The java stream to create a folder with a file, and the judge during the copy files
Update : 2024-04-28 Size : 1024 Publisher : 邵辉

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一个关于输入输出的demo,复制一个文件的内容到另一个路径下的例子-a demo about IO(java),copy the content of file to another file
Update : 2024-04-28 Size : 4096 Publisher : 青花

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MyEclipse 下的java project 工程,功能是:使用FileInputStream 和FileOutputStream 进行文件的读取,保存操作。(用java代码实现文件的复制保存功能)本程序简单易懂,入门IO必看。-MyEclipse java project engineering functions: use FileInputStream and FileOutputStream file read and save operations. Copy of the file (using java code save function) The program is simple and easy to understand, and the entry-IO must see.
Update : 2024-04-28 Size : 3072 Publisher : Robin

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很简单的JAVA小程序 , 用字符流形式复制一个TXT文本文件 。-Very simple Java applet, a character stream copy a TXT file.
Update : 2024-04-28 Size : 14336 Publisher : 蒲陈晨

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1、在Eclipse中导入工程,可以通过Eclipse中的菜单File→Import→Existing Projects intoWorkspace中选择Project; 2、在MySQL中创建数据库,使用MySQL Control Center执行database目录下的dbscript.sql数据库脚本文件创建数据库SQL语句创建数据库和表及数据; 3、设置数据库连接配置,修改doc目录下的exam.xml文件,将其中的数据库用户名和密码设置为实际的用户名和密码; 4、将doc目录下的exam.xml文件拷贝到Tomcat的安装目录下的conf\Catalina\localhost文件夹下,并修改exam.xml文件中的docBase,将该值指向该工程目录,如"F:\jsp\21\WebRoot"; 5、确保Tomcat安装目录的common\lib下mysql-connector-java-3.0.16-ga-bin.jar类包文件,如果没有拷贝WebRoot\WEB-INF\lib目录下的mysql-connector-java-3.0.16-ga-bin.jar类包文件到Tomcat安装目录的common\lib下; 6、启动Tomcat,在浏览器输入http://localhost:8080/exam,使用账号s0001,密码s0001登陆,后台管理使用账号admin,密码dmin登陆。 -1, imported in Eclipse projects, to by Eclipse menu File → Import → Existing Projects intoWorkspace Project create a database in MySQL using MySQL Control Center to perform the database directory dbscript.sql database script file to create the database SQL statements to create the database and tables, and data 3, setting the database connection configuration to, modify doc directory exam.xml file, the database user name and password is set to the actual user name and password 4, the doc directory of the exam. xml file is copied to the Tomcat installation directory conf \ Catalina \ localhost folder, docBase modify the exam.xml file, directory points to the value of the project, such as " F: \ jsp \ 21 \ WebRoot" ensure that the Tomcat installation directory common \ lib under the mysql-connector-java-3.0.16-ga-bin.jar class package file, if no copy WebRoot \ WEB-INF \ lib directory mysql-connector-java-3.0. a 16-ga-bin.jar class package file to the Tomcat installation dire
Update : 2024-04-28 Size : 2764800 Publisher : charles

本文件夹中的示例程序中JacobWordBeanServiceImpl.java是由XiaoKai参考网上资料,整理而成的一个类,本类提供了Jacob对Word的基本操作的一些方法,包括:文档的打开、保存、关闭、打印等基本操作,同时定义了复制、粘贴、从另一个文件复制段落到当前文档、添加表格、表格拷贝、表格行列操作、表格内容获取、表格内容写入等功能,基本上可以满足大部分用途。同时作者生成了该类的API文档说明,见../JacobImplAPI/index.html。 JacobTest2.java为一个简单的示例程序-Sample program in this folder by XiaoKai, refer to the online information, gathered from a class, the class provides some method of Jacob on the basic operation of the Word, including: document open, save, close, print defined basic operations such as copy, paste, copy paragraphs from another file into the current document, add tables, forms, copy, get form the ranks of operation, table of contents, and write the contents of the table function, basically to meet the needs of most applications. Of generated class API documentation, see./JacobImplAPI/index.html. as a simple example program
Update : 2024-04-28 Size : 1388544 Publisher : 翟小开

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java实现的文件管理器源码,实现了复制、粘贴、删除、新建、重命名、属性查看和刷新功能。-File Manager source java implementation to achieve the copy, paste, delete, new, rename, view and refresh function attributes.
Update : 2024-04-28 Size : 140288 Publisher : weixinyu

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采用java语言实现文件的读取,文件的拷贝,以及文件的写入-Java language file to read a copy of the file, and the file is written
Update : 2024-04-28 Size : 5120 Publisher : 张延林

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Java仿写的Android手机QQ登录界面,想运行的请把代码拷贝到手机上运行,只需要拷贝APK文件即可。-QQ login interface Java parodies Android phone, want to run, please copy the code to run on the phone, and only need to copy the APK file to.
Update : 2024-04-28 Size : 1129472 Publisher : afbkj333

java语言编写的,带界面的,能实现带进度条的文件拷贝程序。可选择拷贝文件的来源,可自定义所产生的新文件的文件名。-A java program with interface. It s an file-coping-program with a progress bar to show the copy progress. You can choose the source files and change the new file s name.
Update : 2024-04-28 Size : 13312 Publisher : chen ying

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java复制文件,本程序中是.txt文件,也可是其他文件。指定路径可自己修改,需要复制的文件必须存在,否则只会新建空文件。程序中注解已表明路径与文件名-java copy files, this program is. txt files, but other files. Specified path can modify their own, need to copy the file must exist, otherwise it will create an empty file. Annotation program has shown the path and file name
Update : 2024-04-28 Size : 1024 Publisher : zz

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设计一个类似于Windows记事本(Notepad)的Java程序。可以打开、新建、保存一个文本文件;对选中的文本进行各种编辑操作(设置字体、字号、字型、对齐方式、背景、前景色、复制、粘贴、剪切、查找、替换等);在文本中能够插入对象。-Design a similar to Windows Notepad (Notepad) Java program. You can open, create, save a text file selected text on a variety of editing operations (set the font, font size, font, alignment, background, foreground, copy, paste, cut, find, replace, etc.) in text can be inserted object.
Update : 2024-04-28 Size : 1024 Publisher : 张克

没有界面的java命令行文件管理器,包括复制文件、复制文件夹、复制目录、删除文件、删除文件夹、删除目录等等功能 -No interface java command line file manager, including copying files, copy the folder, copy directories, delete files, delete folders, delete directories, etc. Function
Update : 2024-04-28 Size : 10240 Publisher : gavin

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java版本的复制程序,可以复制文件,并计算复制的效率-java version of the copy program, you can copy the file, and calculate the efficiency of replication
Update : 2024-04-28 Size : 17408 Publisher : sxmbryant

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用Java语言开发的windows系统记事本程序,类似与windows系统自带的记事本,有编辑,打开文件、保存、另存、退出、复制、粘贴、查找、替换、字体设置、自动换行的功能。-Using the Java language windows system Notepad program, similar to windows system notepad, editorial, open the file, save, save, quit, copy, paste, find, replace, font settings, word wrap feature.
Update : 2024-04-28 Size : 32768 Publisher : 刘颖

Java语言对文件进行IO操作的多个实例,包括读写、修改、复制和删除-Multiple instances of Java language file IO operations, including read and write, modify, copy and delete, etc.
Update : 2024-04-28 Size : 28672 Publisher : 小邓

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Gui及事件处理-文件编辑器设计 1.目的要求 1)要求了解Java中剪贴版的实现原理 2)文本编辑器中撤销功能应在一次以上 2.实验内容 该实验要求用所学的数据输入、输出流、Java内置函数实现文件基本操作的程序设计。 该编辑器要求完成基本的文本操作。如,打开、保存、复制、粘贴、字体、颜色、图片插入、打印等功能。 完成对修改内容的撤销功能-Gui and event handling- File Editor Design 1. The purpose of the requirements a) requires an understanding of the Java version of the clip Principle 2) text editor features should be revoked once more 2. The contents of the experiment with the experiment learned data input and output streams, Java built-in functions to achieve the basic operation of the program design document. The editor asked to complete a basic text manipulation. For example, open, save, copy, paste, font, color, picture insertion, printing and other functions. Modify the contents of the completion of the Undo function
Update : 2024-04-28 Size : 4660224 Publisher : 黄斌

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文件读写的I/O机制,详细用java语言描述了读写操作,以及复制粘贴-File read and write I/O mechanism, described in detail using java language read and write operations, as well as copy and paste
Update : 2024-04-28 Size : 1024 Publisher : 林依婷
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